Welcome to Fertasa Interactive

What does Fertasa Interactive offer?

The Fertasa Interactive portal has been created to enable our members to easily interact with Fertasa, in line with our vision to harness technology to enhance cooperation between service providers, government departments, farmers and other role players.

Some of the functionality offered to our members include:

  • Graphs and Statistics for Fertilizer Import and Exports as received from SARS
  • Electronic Product Registrations
  • Members Database Management
  • Industry Employment Listings

Interactive Statistics

An interactive component whereby members can peruse various types of graphs and statistics surrounding fertilizers imports and exports (tariff chapters 28 and 31). We do our own analysis of data as periodically received from SARS.

Product registrations

Do your applications for product registrations with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries online through our new portal.

Fertilizer Estimator

Import and Export Volumes per Annum - in TONS

Start year: End year:

Member Login

Access is free for members.
Forgot your password? Click here

Apply for Access:

Fertasa Interactive is a portal with many features including:
  • Fertilizer Import and Export Statistics
  • BASOS/FACTS Course Study Material and Exam Registration and Results Tracking
  • Electronic Fertilizer Product Registration Assistance
If you wish to apply for access to any of the above, please click here to read more.